Car Accident #2011100047811
Northumberland, Wed 2nd Feb 2011 18:45
A193 Single carriageway Northumberland
Police Force: Northumbria
Severity: Slight
Accident Location
Easting: 429210, Northing: 581870
Longitude: -1.543418, Latitude: 55.130370
Accident Details
Accident Ref | 2011100047811 |
Police Force | Northumbria |
Accident Severity | Slight |
Number of Vehicle | 1 |
Number of Casualties | 1 |
Date/Time | Wed 2nd Feb 2011 18:45 |
Local Authority District | Northumberland |
Local Authority Highway | Northumberland (E06000048) |
Road | A 193 (Single carriageway) |
Speed Limit | 30 |
Junction | Not at junction or within 20 metres Data missing or out of range |
Pedestrian Crossing | None within 50 metres Central refuge |
Light Conditions | Darkness - lights lit |
Weather Conditions | Fine no high winds |
Road Surface Conditions | Wet or damp |
Special Conditions | None |
Carriageway Hazards | None |
Area Type | Urban |
Police Attended? | Yes |
LSOA of Accident Location | E01027424 |
Vehicle Details
Casualty Details
Casualty #1 Vehicle #1
Casualty Class | Pedestrian |
Casualty Gender | Male |
Age Band Of Casualty | 21 - 25 |
Casualty Severity | Slight |
Casualty Type | Pedestrian |
Pedestrian Location | In carriageway, crossing elsewhere |
Pedestrian Movement | Crossing from driver's nearside |
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