Traffic Accidents

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Car Accident #2011070034490

Warrington, Mon 7th Feb 2011 08:07

Unclassified Single carriageway Warrington

Police Force: Cheshire

Severity: Serious

Accident Location

Easting: 364950, Northing: 395690

Longitude: -2.529332, Latitude: 53.456780

Accident Details

Accident Ref 2011070034490
Police Force Cheshire
Accident Severity Serious
Number of Vehicle 1
Number of Casualties 1
Date/Time Mon 7th Feb 2011 08:07
Local Authority District Warrington
Local Authority Highway Warrington (E06000007)
Road Unclassified 0 (Single carriageway)
Speed Limit 30
Junction Not at junction or within 20 metres
Data missing or out of range
Pedestrian Crossing None within 50 metres
No physical crossing facilities within 50 metres
Light Conditions Daylight
Weather Conditions Fine + high winds
Road Surface Conditions Dry
Special Conditions None
Carriageway Hazards None
Area Type Rural
Police Attended? Yes
LSOA of Accident Location E01012477

Vehicle Details

Vehicle #1

Vehicle Type Car
Engine Capacity (cc) 1296
Age of Vehicle (years) 5
Age Band of Driver 56 - 65
Driver Gender Female
Journey Purpose Commuting to/from work
Towing/Articulation No tow/articulation
Vehicle Manoeuvre Going ahead other
Vehicle Location On main c'way - not in restricted lane
Junction Location Not at or within 20 metres of junction
Skidding/Overturning None
Hit Object in Carriageway None
Hit Object off Carriageway None
Vehicle Leaving Carriageway Did not leave carriageway
Point Of Impact Front
Was Vehicle Left Hand Drive? No
Propulsion Type Petrol

Casualty Details

Casualty #1 Vehicle #1

Casualty Class Pedestrian
Casualty Gender Male
Age Band Of Casualty 11 - 15
Casualty Severity Serious
Casualty Type Pedestrian
Pedestrian Location In centre of carriageway - not on refuge, island or central reservation
Pedestrian Movement Crossing from driver's offside

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