Traffic Accidents

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Old Windsor Car Accidents

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Accident #201143R009081
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 4th Aug 2011 08:38
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R025071
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 8th Jul 2011 10:00
B 3021 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R098011
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 11th Jan 2011 16:20
B 3021 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R167031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Mon 14th Mar 2011 13:34
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R187071
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 23rd Jul 2011 09:07
B 3021 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R193111
Windsor and Maidenhead | Wed 30th Nov 2011 17:00
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R241111
Windsor and Maidenhead | Wed 30th Nov 2011 14:27
B 3021 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R110011
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 14th Jan 2011 16:16
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R172111
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 25th Nov 2011 00:40
Unclassified 7410 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R092071
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 9th Jul 2011 18:00
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R159041
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 23rd Apr 2011 23:01
Unclassified 7416 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R196031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 19th Mar 2011 16:20
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R204021
Windsor and Maidenhead | Mon 21st Feb 2011 18:15
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R215031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 10th Mar 2011 08:20
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 3 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R234101
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 30th Oct 2011 14:30
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R032051
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 1st May 2011 11:50
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R035101
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 6th Oct 2011 10:13
B 376 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 3
Accident #201143R081101
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 13th Oct 2011 06:30
B 376 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 2
Accident #201143R088081
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 5th Aug 2011 18:05
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R093021
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 17th Feb 2011 09:12
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R176031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 15th Mar 2011 08:20
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R186031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 26th Mar 2011 18:48
B 470 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 2
Accident #201143R189011
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 13th Jan 2011 14:30
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R234111
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 25th Nov 2011 08:19
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R237101
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 25th Oct 2011 15:01
B 470 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R240111
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 27th Nov 2011 18:50
Unclassified 7404 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R173111
Windsor and Maidenhead | Mon 7th Nov 2011 18:00
B 376 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 3 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R170081
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 18th Aug 2011 19:55
A 332 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R206041
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 29th Apr 2011 17:08
Motorway 4 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R224031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 25th Mar 2011 03:30
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R234011
Windsor and Maidenhead | Mon 31st Jan 2011 17:30
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R025041
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 3rd Apr 2011 00:42
Motorway 4 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R114061
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 17th Jun 2011 14:57
B 3022 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R134111
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 20th Nov 2011 14:02
B 376 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R146121
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 16th Dec 2011 22:42
B 470 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R161061
Windsor and Maidenhead | Wed 1st Jun 2011 11:33
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R179081
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 26th Aug 2011 16:50
B 470 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R182091
Windsor and Maidenhead | Mon 26th Sep 2011 08:10
A 332 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 3 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R209041
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 8th Apr 2011 18:35
A 332 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R226071
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 30th Jul 2011 19:50
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R227051
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 28th May 2011 14:58
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R240031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sat 26th Mar 2011 17:45
B 3022 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R052031
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 1st Mar 2011 01:50
Motorway 4 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R107011
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 6th Jan 2011 15:30
B 3022 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R060021
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 8th Feb 2011 08:30
B 3026 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R118101
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 23rd Oct 2011 18:51
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R139051
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 12th May 2011 17:03
Motorway 4 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R195051
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 22nd May 2011 11:25
B 470 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R254071
Windsor and Maidenhead | Fri 29th Jul 2011 17:00
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R259071
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 28th Jul 2011 13:46
B 470 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201145RU57475
Runnymede | Sun 9th Jan 2011 08:36
A 308 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 2
Accident #201143R053041
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 12th Apr 2011 10:25
Motorway 4 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R079081
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 11th Aug 2011 17:41
Motorway 4 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 3 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R125021
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 8th Feb 2011 19:21
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 2
Accident #201145RE58614
Runnymede | Tue 22nd Feb 2011 12:00
Unclassified 3121 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R105041
Windsor and Maidenhead | Tue 19th Apr 2011 01:53
Motorway 4 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 1 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R140061
Windsor and Maidenhead | Sun 12th Jun 2011 06:56
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 2
Accident #201143R167101
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 20th Oct 2011 18:33
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 4 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201143R228091
Windsor and Maidenhead | Thu 29th Sep 2011 11:30
Unclassified 7409 | Severity: Serious | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1
Accident #201145RU57717
Runnymede | Wed 19th Jan 2011 13:30
Unclassified 3113 | Severity: Slight | Vehicles: 2 | Casualties: 1